- "This thing is awesome, no more climbing and reaching to open the chute. My customers thought it was really neat also. Safety is #1!"
- "This thing is awesome, no more climbing and reaching to open the chute. My customers thought it was really neat also. Safety is #1!"
Want to see it in action?
Check out our this short video! Order today at (815) 457-2979
- "This opener is amazing. I was very well satisfied on how it works. Two years ago I fell off a tender trying to open a slide gate. If I would have had this unit then, I wouldn't be putting up with a wrecked arm today! Safety aspect and ease of use is amazing. I used to climb up the mast on the fork lift and reach out to open the slide. Now I can sit on the seat and push the button to operate with ease!"
Need more information?
Check out our brochure here to get more information on our Box Gate Opener? Have any questions you cant find in the brochure or need any more any more information or specs? Give us a call today at (815) 457-2979